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This page contains software for lEEt/OS and ST-DOS. Some DOS programs also work on other DOS implementations.

lEEt/OS bytecode programs

Some of the programs are distributed only in source code form, because they need to be configured by editing strings and variables in the source. The binary can then be assembled using the ASSEMBLE program.

Serial chat (Source) A simple program that reads data from stdin and sends it to a serial port, and reads data from the serial port and writes it to stdout. Can be used with redirected stdio.

Base64 encoder (Source) Reads data from stdin, encodes it to base64 and writes the base64 encoded data to stdout. (19. 6. 2023 fixed a bug in the stdout writing routine)

Base64 decoder (Source) Reads base64 encoded data from stdin, decodes it and writes the decoded data to stdout.

Telnet server (Source) Listens to a TCP port. When a socket is established, runs a payload program (for example the command prompt) and redirects its stdio to the socket.

HTTP server (Source) A simple HTTP server.

HTTP Request tools Tools to download files via HTTP protocol.

DOS programs

BIOSCOM This is a DOS TSR program that sends the contents of a text mode display to a serial port in an ANSI terminal compatible format. Does not use DOS syscalls. Works with all DOS implementations.

COM2EXE This program converts a .COM program (flat binary) to an .EXE (MZ format) program. Sometimes it makes memory management easier.

POWER An APM power saving driver for DOS.

NETDISK Network drive implementation for ST-DOS.

Mouse driver A driver for PS/2 and serial mice. This software is in early alpha state and does not yet fully implement the DOS mouse driver API.
(c) Sami Tikkanen 2020 - 2024